

昨日のSALIのセッションで「radical self care」ということをとっても素敵なカナダ人のShelから学ぶ。うんうん。

「Chi va piano, va sano; chi va sano, va lontano.」


素敵な言葉だなとおもって心に留めておいたんだけど、結局のところなんで「静か」に行くべきなのかわかってなかったんですよね。単に急がば回れ的な意味が大きいのかと思っていました。でも、セッションを経て思うのは「体の声を聴く」ってことなんだろうな、と。静かにしてないと聞こえないもんね。 そういう意味では前から師匠が「今どこにいる?」とか「呼吸してる?」とか「今体はどんな感じ?」って聴いてくれていたことも繋がっていたんだなと感謝。




We've had session of "radical self-care" by super cute Canadian lady "Shel" yesterday in iLEAP SALI program.

Yes, I know that. Because There is Italian saying, 
"Chi va piano, va sano; chi va sano, va lontano." and I love it.
If i translate into English literally, like this:
"If you go with silence, you can go with health. If you go with health, you can go far away."

Japanese famous novelist, Saburo Shiroyama quoted that in his essay with wonderful Japanese translation . (Then I knew it!)

I appreciated to Shel that I finally understood why we have to go with silence. Before I think this is just because we need to go carefully or we don't need to rush or something like that. But through the session, I realized that we have to go with silence in order to hear our BODY REQUEST, or we can say "voice of body". (Mind tells a lie!)

I also appreciated to my mentor in Japan, sometimes he asked me "Where are you now?", "Do you breath now?" or "How or where do you feel for now?". It means totally about this!

One more thing, our family loves that Italian saying because it includes our name in it!

My wife's name means "silence", 
my name means "health" 
and my daughter's name means "far away".

My daughter's name derives from that.

Thank so much, Shel!! 
I will go with silence and health on the day4 as well.
